Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Outdoor Ed

We had a great time at Outdoor Ed.  The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed team building games, archery, a climbing wall, orienteering, astronomy, and canoeing.  Last night we had a campfire and Pastor Dan led us in a devotion and singing.  Apparently we were really belting it out because we had two unexpected visitors join us - two raccoons!!  We had a blast!

Monday, October 1, 2012

The 6th grade volunteered at the Rice Depot today.  What great workers!  Our task was to fill cartons with bread products that had been donated to the Rice Depot.  These will be then delivered to food pantries around Little Rock.  In a little over an hour the 6th grade filled 188 cartons (approximately 10 items in each) which will feed 1,880 people.  Thanks to all the parents who volunteered with us.  We will visit the Rice Depot to volunteer again later this year.